Wednesday, October 31, 2012

The Wonderful World of the History Channel!

Throughout this semester it seems that every time I turn on my T.V. I am first checking the History channel. Now, I have always been interested in history in general, but until recently have not spent hardly any time watching the History Channel. If you are one that is not a fan of history you are probably bored with this post already, but give me a chance! Many of the shows on the channel are played out sort of like a movie, or more like a documentary. They show reenactments of actual historical events. My newfound entertainment leaves me pulling myself from the T.V. when it is time to go to class. It really can be that entertaining AND educational! My favorite show right now is called "The Men Who Built America." It is a series that reenacts the lives of some of the most influential men to this country. It is extremely interesting and I recommend at least given it a shot. The worst thing that can happen is that you learn something. It airs Tuesdays at 8 o'clock. If you are into something more modern there is always Pawn Stars and American Pickers. I have enjoyed many episodes of both and even took a day trip to Le Claire, Iowa to the Pickers' shop. So, if you're looking for something entertaining to watch and don't mind a little education too tune into the History Channel! If you have basic cable such as we have on campus it is channel 43. Give it a shot, you might learn something interesting AND important!

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