Friday, December 14, 2012

The Wonderful World of the History Channel!

Throughout this semester it seems that every time I turn on my T.V. I am first checking the History channel. Now, I have always been interested in history in general, but until recently have not spent hardly any time watching the History Channel. If you are one that is not a fan of history you are probably bored with this post already, but give me a chance! Many of the shows on the channel are played out sort of like a movie, or more like a documentary. They show reenactments of actual historical events. My newfound entertainment leaves me pulling myself from the T.V. when it is time to go to class. It really can be that entertaining AND educational! My favorite show right now is called "The Men Who Built America." It is a series that reenacts the lives of some of the most influential men to this country. It is extremely interesting and I recommend at least giving it a shot. The worst thing that can happen is that you learn something. It airs Tuesdays at 8 o'clock. If you are into something more modern there is always Pawn Stars and American Pickers. I have enjoyed many episodes of both and even took a day trip to Le Claire, Iowa to the Pickers' shop. So, if you're looking for something entertaining to watch and don't mind a little education too tune into the History Channel! If you have basic cable such as we have on campus it is channel 43. Give it a shot, you might learn something interesting AND important!


Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Body Image and the Media

You may know that the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show aired last night and you may have even watched it. I myself watched it like I have several times. While I enjoy the show and its entertainment, I know that some feel it presents issues of body imagine and self esteem. For example, I know some people that believe that the models in the show are unrealistic in the way that they look and that that causes a negative affect on young women's view of themselves. This may have truth, but personally I have a different experience.

I have been looking at Victoria's Secret Magazines since I was a pre-teen and have seen the fashion show for about the past five years. From the beginning I have admired the models for their beauty and bodies. In the past few years I have come to admire them for much more. Through several interviews and television appearances, as a couple examples, I have learned much more about many of these women. From what I can tell these women are intelligent, optimistic, and have a confidence that I wish all women could have. I admire them for all of of these things and more. They quite often inspire me in many different and positive ways.

Seeing the models has never made me feel like I need to starve myself or do anything else drastic and negative.

What is your stance on this topic? I am interested in other personal experiences.


Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Two Great Movies

Over the Thanksgiving break I was able to see two great movies. The first that I saw was Skyfall and with all of the commercial previews and hype I'm sure you know what movie I'm talking about. If you don't know though, it is the newest of the of the Bond movies. I am not even going to pretend that I've seen half of the Bond movies so I had very little background knowledge when seeing this movie. Before I go any further I have to let you know that it is two and a half hours long and ordinarily with a movie of that length I would be snoozing half way though, but the action and excitement in the movie made it impossible to fall asleep and the visual effects are stunning. It is one of the few action movies that I really really enjoyed and I highly recommend it!

The next movie I saw was Lincoln, quite the contrast after seeing Skyfall. From what I know about Abraham Lincoln and his wife Mary, Daniel Day-Lewis and Sally Field played them very accurately. I love history, which may be why I enjoyed the movie so much, but I am sure that just about anyone can really appreciate and enjoy this movie. It has great emotion and great performances that are sure to win awards. I of course recommend this movie as well!

Have you seen either? If so, what did you think?

If you haven't seen either, are you planning to see one or both while still in theaters?

I would love to hear your thoughts!


Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Hollywood Breakups...

Oh the drama of a Hollywood breakup! When did we become a society that makes celebrity breakups national news? Do they deserve that kind of attention? I think something has gone very wrong when people are in tears over the breakup of a celebrity couple. If you want to see a ridiculous example of this check out the link at the end of the post. The most recent drama has surrounded Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez, and Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart. These two relationships have gotten national attention in the last few months. All eyes have been watching every move Rob and Kristen have made in the months since her cheating scandal. I am quite fond of pop culture actually and I don't like to miss an episode of E News, but I think there is a time and place. I don't believe national news is one of those places. In general I feel that our society needs to spend less time meddling in others personal business. It's just not very important in the scheme of things. What are your thoughts? What do you think of the video??



Wednesday, November 7, 2012

But really, don't forget to stop and smell the roses..

Believe it or not my inspiration for this blog post is a squirrel. Just as I clicked on "New Post" something outside my window caught my eye. It was a squirrel hopping from branch to branch in a tree. It made me smile and I went to the window to watch it. It always amazes me when something so simple can make me smile. I hope you take the opportunity to appreciate something simple everyday. It is a great way to give your mind a little break from the daily routine that we fall into. Whether it be the simplicities of nature or human nature, we can all find appreciation in both. Inspiration can be found in surprising places and we should never forget to "take a step back."

If you're waiting at the bus stop today or just walking between classes pick your head up from your cell phone and look around. Take in your surroundings and find something to appreciate. It can be as small as a squirrel in a tree. : )

Take this as a challenge!


Wednesday, October 31, 2012

The Wonderful World of the History Channel!

Throughout this semester it seems that every time I turn on my T.V. I am first checking the History channel. Now, I have always been interested in history in general, but until recently have not spent hardly any time watching the History Channel. If you are one that is not a fan of history you are probably bored with this post already, but give me a chance! Many of the shows on the channel are played out sort of like a movie, or more like a documentary. They show reenactments of actual historical events. My newfound entertainment leaves me pulling myself from the T.V. when it is time to go to class. It really can be that entertaining AND educational! My favorite show right now is called "The Men Who Built America." It is a series that reenacts the lives of some of the most influential men to this country. It is extremely interesting and I recommend at least given it a shot. The worst thing that can happen is that you learn something. It airs Tuesdays at 8 o'clock. If you are into something more modern there is always Pawn Stars and American Pickers. I have enjoyed many episodes of both and even took a day trip to Le Claire, Iowa to the Pickers' shop. So, if you're looking for something entertaining to watch and don't mind a little education too tune into the History Channel! If you have basic cable such as we have on campus it is channel 43. Give it a shot, you might learn something interesting AND important!

Friday, October 19, 2012

Brief Screening Report: No Country For Old Men

In the film No Country For Old Men one of the most striking scenes is Scene Four, entitled “Call it, Friend-O.” Anton Chigurh, played by Javier Bardem, walks into a little old gas station in the middle-of-nowhere-Texas. The elderly man working at the counter quickly becomes Anton’s play toy. Throughout the entire scene there is no background noise or sounds contributing to the drama, it is purely awkward and aggravated conversation between the gas station owner and Anton. The elderly man begins the conversation by asking how the weather is. Apparently that was a mistake because it led to Anton making their interaction a life and death situation. This scene is very important because the viewer gets a chance to really understand how Anton thinks. As the elderly man tries to make small talk, Anton makes the conversation a game filled with fear and aggravation. Anton’s mental instability becomes evident very quickly and causes the gas station owner to become obviously uncomfortable. Throughout the conversation Anton eats a small bag of candy. When he is finished he crunches the bag in his first forcefully and when he releases it on the counter there is a close up of it slowly unfolding from its very confined state. The most jolting part of the scene is when Anton pulls a quarter out of his pocket and flips it, covering the results with his hand. He tells the man to “Call it.” At this point the man seems very fearful and insists that he must know what is at stake before he chooses. Anton does not give in and the man chooses heads. Anton reveals the coin, which displays heads. He lets the man keep the coin, but tells him not to put it in his pocket because it’s “special.” For the viewer, this scene clearly infers that if the man had chosen tails Anton would have ended his life. It is an intense scene, which greatly displays Anton’s dangerous mental state that continues to be the source of mayhem throughout the film.